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Monthly Archives: June 2020

  1. Why we support British farmers by buying 100% British wool for our products

    Our thousands of happy customers know that we are committed to responsible sourcing when it comes to our wool bedding products. Some of our customers ask how we ensure that our wool comes from farms where the highest animal welfare standards are followed.

    The answer is that 100% of the wool we use is British wool and British sheep are some of the best cared for sheep in the world. In the UK, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is the government department responsible for many standards to do with environmental protection, food production and animal welfare. They exercise very strict controls over farmers and often visit unannounced to inspect animals in their care. Any farmer not considered to be upholding these standards would be banned from keeping sheep.

    Additionally, in Britain, the practice of ‘mulesing’ is a banned and illegal practice, whereas in many countries this is normal. By purchasing British wool, we are not only supporting British

  2. How to get a better night’s sleep during lockdown

    Sleeping patterns vary hugely from individual to individual but at the moment, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are reporting big changes in the way that they sleep.

    A recent survey carried out by market research company Ipsos MORI and King’s College London has suggested that whilst some people are sleeping more than usual, nearly two thirds of the public have reported some negative impact on their sleep, with more than half of the UK population struggling with sleep during the lockdown. Additionally, previous research reported patterns of disturbed sleep, insomnia and vivid dreams.

    This is entirely understandable, when everything is so unsettled. Many people are worried about their jobs, their families and their finances and we all know that stress can be one of the major causes for lack of sleep and this becomes a vicious cycle, with people becoming more stressed as a result of a lack of sleep. The survey was carried out in late May with 2,254 residents in the