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Wool Wellbeing

  1. Do wool duvets have a tog rating?

    Did you know that wool duvet tog ratings work differently from other types of duvets?  That means you might have to re-think what 'weight' of wool duvet you need for a great night's sleep. Read our guide to find out more about wool tog ratings and which might work best for you.

  2. Tips for tackling teen sleep issues

    Sleep is important for everyone, especially growing children and teens. Children who get enough sleep tend to have healthier immune systems and better memory, school performance and mental health.

  3. Night Sweats and Sleep

    Night sweats can be a delibitating issue, causing disrupted sleep and leading to fatigue the following morning. They can be caused by various factors and in our blog we outline some causes and give tips on how to achieve a more restful night.

  4. What makes a wool pillow so special?

    Pillows can be a very personal issue, with many people trying many types before finding the one that’s perfect for them. There are lots of options out there, with a choice of fillings, including feather, feather and down and synthetic or hollowfibre. However, as far as we are concerned wool is the cream of the ‘flock’ and this is why we only make wool filled pillows.

  5. How better sleep can help build better bones

    Sleep is important for new bone formation and research has shown that there is an association between a reduction in sleep and lower bone density, particularly in middle-aged and older women. This is especially the case in those who are post menopausal, where the drop in hormones levels, including the 'sleep hormone' melatonin, can lead to osteoperosis. Read our blog to find out more.

  6. Should I buy a thick duvet?

    It’s a choice we all need to make, do we invest in a really thick duvet for those occasional cold nights, or do we purchase a duvet that will comfortably keep us warm during most seasons?

  7. Tips for better sleep over the Festive period

    Christmas is often a busy time - and it can be stressful with so much to plan. Making time for getting plenty of sleep is important, so that you enjoy the time with family and friends. In our blog we offer some tips  to help you achieve more peaceful festive slumber.


  8. What is the best wool duvet for Winter?

    What is the best winter duvet? This is a question we are often asked by our customers and the answer depends on a number of factors - because everyone is different. Read on to discover what options we offer, and which might work best for you.

  9. How Our Comfort Cushion Can Help After Breast Cancer Surgery

    Going through breast cancer surgery and the recovery period afterwards can be an emotional and uncomfortable time. So we’re especially proud to introduce our special non-profit Comfort Cushion, designed to cushion and support tender areas. Donations from each sale are made to breast cancer charities.

  10. How to turn up the tog factor and dial down the thermostat

    At Devon Duvets we’ve been committed to helping people sleep better for over 12 years. In fact, this commitment stems right back to the time when making duvets was just a twinkle in the eye of our owners, Dick and Pauline Beijen.