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Wool Wellbeing

  1. Get ready to snuggle up...

    The days may be getting shorter but Autumn, with its glorious colours and rustling leaves underfoot, can be wonderful. We put the question out there and asked some of our customers about the things that they look forward to most at this time of the year.

  2. Why is our folding wool pillow so great for Uni?

    We all have our favourite pillow – and we choose it because it helps us to get a good night’s sleep. We can even find it difficult sleeping on an unfamiliar pillow and we certainly don’t want to share the one we like with anyone else! There are soft pillow people, firm pillow people and those that like extra neck support.

  3. Which foods will help me get a better night's sleep?

    In today’s busy and full-on world, there is an increasing number of people who struggle to get a good night’s sleep. According to a report from the Mental Health Foundation, up to a third of adults in the UK suffer from insomnia, either in the short term or for longer. It is no surprise, therefore, that results from a recent survey show that 95% of those with insomnia have difficulty in staying awake during daylight hours, ultimately impacting on their work and personal life.

  4. Better Sleep - The Natural Way

    Most of us are likely to be affected by poor sleep at one point or another in our lives and we all know that a bad night’s sleep will impact on how we live, work and react during the day. There are many reasons as to why we can suffer from disruptive sleep patterns, including stress, changes in body temperature (not always the fault of the menopause!) and allergies. 

  5. Two natural duvets to help combat "night sweats"

    Menopause is something that all women have to deal with at one point or another and lack of sleep caused by night sweats can leave us feeling exhausted and drained. As the temperature rises during the summer months, it can exacerbate the feeling of discomfort and general clamminess.

  6. Hypo-allergenic Duvets

    What makes the best hypo-allergenic duvet?


    According to The Sleep Council*, allergies affect over 21 million adults in the UK and 59% of ‘indoor’ sufferers say that their symptoms feel worse in their bedroom. This is because house dust mites are amongst the most common triggers for an allergic reaction – and one of their most favourite places is in your bed!

    The most common type of duvets available for allergy sufferers are made from polyester and other synthetic fibres; not ideal at a time when we are becoming increasingly aware about eco-impact and the need to source sustainable products.

    At Devon Duvets we’ve spent years in developing the perfect natural alternative and are understandably proud of our handcrafted wool duvets. We only use 100% Certified British Wool, from fully ethical and traceable sources and do not use bleach or chemical treatments during the process of preparing the wool for the filling of our duvets. 

    But why are our
