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Monthly Archives: May 2024

  1. 5 sustainable ways to recycle your old pillow

    What do you do with your old pillow when the time comes to replacing it? If you have a pillow made from natural wool, then there are a few ways you can recyle it to be more sustainable. Read our blog to discover five alternatives to putting your pillow out with your weekly rubbish.

  2. From farm to bedroom: Why we don't treat our wool with chemicals

    Our committment to sustainability has been at the core of everything we do, even before we starting crafting our famous wool bedding products. That includes not using chemical treatments when we wash and process our wool. Better for you, better for the planet - and ensures the wool fibres stay as nature intended. Read on to find out more...

  3. What is the best sleeping position for me?

    Are you a side sleeper or a back sleeper? Or do you sleep on your stomach? Your nightime body posture can be an important factor in either easing or exacerbating aches and pains. We are all individuals, with our own sleep habits, but read our blog to find out how altering your sleep position might improve the quality of your sleep.

  4. Navigating the challenges to ensure authenticity

    At Devon Duvets we have always strived to be true to ourselves and to be authentic. Discover how we navigate the challenges to ensure authenticity, not only in our products but also in our day to day processes, the way we work with our suppliers and in the sharing of our values with our customers.