Monthly Archives: April 2023

  1. How a Devon Duvets bespoke mattress topper adds a layer of luxury to your motorhome

    Those of us who are motorhome owners love the freedom of the road and the adventures we experience as a result. Wherever we go, whether that’s staycationing in the UK or going further afield, we all agree on one thing – getting a good night’s sleep means that we get the most out of our holiday, especially if we have to be able to concentrate when spending time on the road, moving from place to place.  

  2. Tips to reduce eczema nighttime flare ups

    Being kept awake at night by inflamed, itchy skin is both uncomfortable and exhausting. Those that suffer from eczema really struggle to get a good night's sleep. Read our blog to find out the causes of nighttime  eczema 'flare ups' and how our tips can help.

  3. Our lightweight wool duvet is The Independent's Best Summer Duvet for the 5th consecutive year

    We are thrilled to be winners in The Independent's "Best Summer Duvet’" Awards., for the 5th consecutive year!  Read on to find out why we’re experts at creating award-winning duvets that tick all the boxes.

  4. Every day is Earth Day at Devon Duvets

    It’s Earth Day on Saturday, 22nd April 2023 and this event dates back several decades. The first Earth Day was in 1970 and, every year since, this date has marked the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. Engaging 75,000 global partners in 192 countries aims to empower individuals with the information and tools to drive environmental changes that will help protect our beautiful planet.

  5. Why do we dream?

    As Prospero, in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, said: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”  We all dream, even if sometimes we don’t remember the dreams when we wake up.